Medika Mamba

In many parts of the world, malnutrition poses a severe risk to the health and survival of children. Thankfully, an innovative and highly effective treatment known as Medika Mamba is working in the fight against childhood malnutrition. Medika Mamba, which means “peanut butter medicine” in Haitian Creole, is more than

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Staff Perspectives

Hello, I’m Guy, and I’ve been part of the RHFH family for several years now. I have several jobs that i do at RHFH. One of those I’m entrusted with a crucial responsibility – driving a vehicle to transfer patients to other hospitals. Every day brings its own challenges and

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Can you help with our April needs?

As you might know, we’ve faced significant challenges this year in receiving supplies due to increased gang activity and unrest in Haiti. These conditions have severely impacted our ability to bring in essential items through our usual channels. Since January, customs processes have been slow, and accessing our mail pickup

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Haitian Recipe~Millet

Millet holds significant importance in Haitian culture, being a staple grain utilized in various ways, from making flour, alcohol and cooking meals for family gatherings. But how is millet actually made and cooked? How is Millet Grain Made? Millet is cultivated like any other plant in Haitian gardens. First, the

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