Pictures from Cazale-snacks

Out in front of the clinic and around Cazale there are areas where people set up small tables or stations to sell items. Small stands and vendors stay on the streets, drawing in children on their way to school, workers taking a quick break, and families sharing a treat together.

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New Admits to the Rescue Center

Brinelson was transferred to our clinic from another, a seven-hour walk away, due to his critical malnutrition and urgent need for a blood transfusion. We were able to quickly get him to a hospital, where he successfully received the transfusion. Brinelson has one sister and two brothers, though two other

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Pictures from the USN (Nutritional Stabilization Unit)

The past few months, we’ve been focused on caring for children suffering from severe malnutrition. Over the years, we’ve seen a significant decrease in the number of children admitted with kwashiorkor—a life-threatening form of malnutrition caused by prolonged protein deficiency. This condition leads to swelling (edema), skin problems, stunted growth,

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