Wow! To God be all the Glory!

We want to thank the 47 people,one organization and one church that donated $15,370 for the cholera need.   We are so thankful to everyone that is praying, giving and caring.  We love you all so much.  It is a joy to share with our staff  how there are so many that care

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Needs for Cholera house

There are 49 patients in the Cholera house tonight-we have 25 beds. This is the most patients we have ever had in one day. I am not using names today.  I am going to tell you some real life stories from the cholera house in just one day.  Just today,

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Prayers needed..

The cholera house already has 30 patients tonight.  We only have 25 beds.  There are 5 patients sitting up in chairs on IV’s.  A staff member from the intensive care tent just tested positive for Cholera.  We are right now bleaching down everything.  We have the 6 preemie babies, 4 other

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3 became 5 and 5 became 6

3 boys and 3 girls=6 little cutie pies that still need your prayers. Eriline came in late yesterday afternoon. Her mom has been following in the clinic and her weight has went down a lot since birth.  We are going to watch her and see how she does for a

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Smiling is infectious, You can catch it like the flu. Someone smiled at me today, And I started smiling too!

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Mitha meets her papa

RHFH makes an effort to keep as many families together as we can.  We search and search for families that have not been back to see their children at the RC.  Our first step is to take the admit picture of the child and adult and put that picture outside

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