New admits to the Rescue Center
JEANDLEY (and his sister below Jeandeline) He is 5 years old and weighs 32 pounds. He and his sister (Jeandeline) are from up by Cap-Haitian. Their papa died last year and he was from a town that is not very far from Cazale. His mama said Jeandley was in a
Villager’s View – Fond Blanc
My name is M.L. and I’m a 25 year old woman from the village of Fond Blanc. My parents are both living. My mom lives in Fond Blanc and my dad is in another country. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. One sister lives in Fond Blanc. My other
Kids from the ICU
Kenlove was admitted last week with mild kwashiorkor and complications. He is from a village far back in the mountains behind Cazale. Besides being malnourished he is also deaf.Carla was abandoned by her mama at her papa’s house a few months ago. She has severe kwashiorkor and is refusing
Yvane- an adult in our inpatient care facility
Within our inpatient care facility we have a very small section with 4 beds for adults. Sometimes they will only be here for a few days and sometimes they stay for months or a few even years. We never really know how long they will be here but welcome those