Villager’s View: Bethel

Odnel starting volunteering soon after cholera started as a community health agent.  He worked as a volunteer to educate about cholera and give first aid.  He often sent patients to the cholera treatment center and collaborated with us and other organizations to fight against cholera.  In 2014, we were able

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Kreyol lesson – verbs

to learn – aprann to need – bezwen to drink – bwè to sit – chita to sleep – dòmi to help – ede to write – ekri to study – etidye to do – fè to meet (for the first time) – fè konesans to cook – fè manje

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Pictures from today….

The kids have devotions with our chaplin 5 days a week.  They learn song and have a Bible story each session. They love playing the musical instruments. Play time… Erimene enjoying lunch. a child admitted with severe diarrhea, temp of 105 and seizures this week. Westenson is healing and doing

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New admits to the Rescue Center

JUNIOR He is 5 years old and weighs 30 pounds.  His family has had some drastic changes in the past few months. Their gardens are failing and they do not have enough money to purchase food for everyone.  Junior has been showing beginning signs of kwashiorkor (swelling in feet and

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