New Admits to the Rescue Center

ANGELINE She is 6 years old and weighs 32 pounds.  About 1 year ago she fell in a hole near her home.  It appears that she broke her leg, jaw and arm.  The family went to someone near their home that tied her leg and arm up in hopes that

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Kids from the Rescue Center

“If you follow my words, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – Jesus Christ The children in the Rescue Center have graduated from the ICU and are doing well.  They are no longer on IV’s, NG tubes

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Belinda has been coming to our medical clinic since she was 16 months old.  At that time she was moderately malnourished not yet severe.  She was admitted to our outpatient medika mamba program.  She recovered and reached her goal weight within 2 months.  She continued to follow in the clinic

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Throwback Thurs

Louisemie was admitted to our inpatient program in Dec 2011.  She was very sick during that time and malnourished.  She stayed with us for 11 months and went from 13 pounds to 28 pounds.   She was walking and doing great when she left. (before and current picture below) Since that

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Cazale dreamin’.

There are about 8.839 million things we love about Cazale. …the country lifestyle… …the tenacity of the people…  …the growth and development of the community… …the hope for the future…  …the wisdom of the past… …and the beauty of the surroundings… also… donkeys (not pictured here). What do you love

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