Pictures from the ICU today :)
Jessica!! St Vic and Pierre Louis visiting for a few weeks on summer vacation
Jessica!! St Vic and Pierre Louis visiting for a few weeks on summer vacation
Links around the time frame 1994 October 1994-Dec 1995 Truth Commission Haiti 1994-1996 Haiti 1986-1994 This letter was written by Gretchen in October 1994
This little bundle of joy came to us last year weighing just 2 pounds 13 ounces. Her mama had cholera and delivered her early and then died. The family has also lost 3 other children. Her papa is a farmer and grows sweet potatoes in his fields. He asked us
BEATRICE She is 8 months old and weighs 7 pounds. She was admitted with a 105 temp, diarrhea, vomiting and was in distress. She was referred to us from Children’s Health Ministries. She has 1 living sister at home. Her mama and papa both buy items in bulk and resells
Sure!! There is lots of items that are needed in the clinic, guesthouse, rescue center, and general missions that would be a blessing to us. Here’s a list: 2014 August Needs List Contact and we will give you an address of where you can ship it to get to
Miss Carolyn Elliott’s grade 5/6 class at Cyrus Eaton Elementary School, Pugwash, Nova Scotia, Canada took on the project of fundraising for medika mamba. One of the Healthy Living learning targets in Nova Scotia’s Public School curriculum is to take age appropriate action to affect global change. In January Johanne