
  1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 4: 8-10 Love each other deeply, because love will cause many sins to be forgiven,  Open your homes to each other, without complaining.  Each of you has received a gift to use to

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Answer the Question, Dude! #5

I want to know what your future plans are for the clinic/rescue center?  Will you move them up to the new land?  Might there ever be an opportunity for Lori to sit on her couch in the future?  Or is it best to keep her occupied so she doesn’t fire too many

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Update on Jn Edward

Jn Edward is a very special little boy who has been through so much is his life already.  You can read his story here , and here.  He was near near death when he was admitted over a year ago.  His treatment for his illness took 12 months.  He is healed

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Update on Wensky

You can read the first post about Wensky here.  He has come a long way since February.  When he first arrived he was a very sick boy.  Not only was he sick physically but was also going through a lot of emotional and mental issues due to losing his parents and

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Update on Telismane and the boys

We met Telismane and her boys in the fall of 2008.  Her husband was killed in a flood that went through our area.  You can read about it here.  Through meeting her and learning her husband’s heart for her and her family they all moved down tothe village of  Cazale.

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Answer the Question, Dude! #5

Real Hope for Haiti is very grateful for all of our friends and supporters that faithfully read this blog and share it with others. In some ways, we very much feel as though we share life with you in that we all have a passion for God and the Haitian

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