A new baby girl

  This little baby was abandoned in the clinic yard last week.  It is hard in our minds to understand this.  We have had kids over the years left in the yard and outside the gate, but I have never had a child’s parent leave a note with the baby.  Many

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We met our goal!!

We wrote a post here of our need for funds for medications that were offered to RHFH at a HUGE discount.  Together YOU have done it!  In just 9 days we met our goal!  Thank you so much for helping us to reach our goal and to be able to

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New patients at RHFH

This is Mirlande.  She is years 27 years old .  She currently has 4 living children and 3 that have died.  Shortly after her last pregnancy she became very ill.  She has had swelling, fatigue, and is always out of breath all the time.  We are currently treating her for

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Update on the sisters

You can read past post about the sister here, here and here.  These 6 special girl were blessed this past month to receive gifts from a family that has been praying from them from a distance state side.  The girls were so excited to get gifts from this family.  It

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3 new boys admitted last week

MAYSON He is an only child and is 24 months old and weighs 15 pounds 12 ounces.  His mom tells us that he will not eat anything.  We are also finding it hard to get him to eat much food.  We put a feeding tube down on Monday so that

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