New admits

DEZINETTE She came this past week to the clinic.  She is not really sure how old she is, but she weighs 76 pounds.  She came in her dress and brought nothing else.  She was here at RHFH many years ago.   We cared for her daughter, who had a terminal illness

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We are thankful today to so many of you that continue to support our effort here in Cazale, Haiti.  Whether it be through prayer, financial donations, donations of supplies, encouraging words, researching for us or actually coming to lend us a hand, we appreciate you and are so thankful to

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New Admits

BETCHINA This little one is 22 days old and weighs 4 pounds.  Her mother died when she was just a few days old.  She was then given to her grandma so that she could care for her.  Grandma is going blind and was not able to give her the care

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CTC Construction Update

Things are moving right along at the construction site of the future Cholera treatment facility.  Progress is looking like it’s staying on track for the construction to be completed sometime in December.    A construction site in the mountains of Haiti looks a little different than one you might see in

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New admits to the RC

ASNEL He is 15 months old and weights 19 pounds 8 ounces.  He was admitted due to having 2 large abcesses on his bottom.  He received shots for fever from someone near their house and then developed the abcesses.  He was in a lot of pain and his temp was

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On Thanksgiving day in 2011 this little boy was found in front of our gate.  We contact local officials and the child was placed in the Rescue Center with the other children.  We later named him Sammuel.  From time to time we have children that are abandoned in the yard

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