Medika Mamba

It has been a few months since we last did a Medika Mamba update.  The program has been going strong since  May of 2009.  We have been administering the medika mamba each and every day since then.  Here are our current stats Children currently on the program 10 Children that

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We need a little extra help..

It has been well over a year now since we opened the ICU tent.  This tent is where we keep the sickest kids.  The ones that are knocking on death’s door.  The ones that need 24/7  care.  The ones that we do not think are going to make it.  We started

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New admits to the Rescue Center

Much love and thanks to Lori and Charlie and the staff for doing such a great job while I took some time off in the states.  It has been awhile since I have had the time to post new children admitted to the RC.  I am going to restart and

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Wilson came in yesterday and was near death.  Road blocks and unwilling family members made the possibility of getting him into a hospital a “no go”.  The family lost hope and believe that he is going to die anyway.  We believe in a miracle working God.  He is still alive

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Family wedding

Enoch’s older brother has been dating a lady for 20 years now and decided this year it was time to get married.  They asked all the kids to participate in the wedding.  Ameyah got to wear a long white dress, with a long veil.  The boys each had to walk

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Pallets from MN

Our good friend, Debbie W.,  has been collecting supplies for RHFH in MN for several years now.  Many of these supplies have been coming down in suitcases and many people hand carried items in for us.  Today there were 18 pallets of supplies that were delivered to the storage units

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