There is always the danger that we may just do the work for the sake of the work. This is where the respect and the love and the devotion come in – that we do it to God, to Christ, and that’s why we try to do

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A thanksgiving blessing

This little cutie pie was left sitting outside our gate on Thursday morning.  A little cute old man set with him and bought him a bag of water and food.   He told him that he did not need to worry, his mother had left him, but the yard she left

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Previous post on Serette here, here and here Serette went back home a few weeks ago.  She is doing well and coming to visit to get her medications and a check-up every few weeks.  She is attending school as well.  Her heart is  still bad but she is doing well on

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Information of Kwashiorkor

What is kwashiorkor? Kwashiorkor is a type of malnutrition that is rare in the United States; it is most common in areas of drought and famine. Kwashiorkor is due to inadequate protein in the diet despite an adequate caloric intake. Symptoms may include irritability and fatigue followed by slowed growth,

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Lots of kids returning to their families this month

There have been a lot of children that have went home this past month.  The  majority of them are pictured below.  Please note that a high majority of the children are admitted with kwashiorkor, due to this many of them have a beginning weight (when they are swollen) and then

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Happy Thanksgiving from Cazale!

We have been blessed to have Joy with us this school year.  Teaching these boys how to cook today! Trey thinks God is so cool because no one created Him 🙂 The Moise Family   Making pies in their aprons borrowed from the RC nannies The Betor Family We are

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