Maxondie is a 25 month old girl who presented to clinic last month. She was extremely malnourished and had watery diarrhea. Her parents separated more than a year ago. Her father took custody of her and her mother took custody of her younger brother. Her mother had not seen Maxondie

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Guest post from Volunteer Caroline

Eleven years ago, during my last semester of nursing school, I went on a short-term mission trip to Haiti with my local church. At the end of that trip we spent a few days visiting Real Hope for Haiti, where I was introduced to people who were bringing the hope

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Clinic Review – July 2021

Total patients = 16900-14 yrs = 758prenatal = 184other adults = 932 births = 18 (one set of twins)anemia = 67diabetics = 59fungal infections = 93ear infections = 37cough & cold = 411heartburn = 106emergencies = 50dressing changes = 504% of children malnourished = 45% (3% increase from June)# of

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Rescue Center Smiles

Smile, it’s free therapy! A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy Use your smile to change the world; don’t let the world change your smile Everyone smiles

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Health Education at RHFH

For many of you who may not know who I am, my name is Katrina and I am a Canadian nurse who moved down to Haiti 3.5 months ago to work with RHFH as their Director of Health Education and Pharmacy Coordinator. Taking on the role of building up the

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