Clinic Review: January 2018

Total consultations: 1707 >14yrs old: 1008 0-14yrs old:  699 Malnutrition 0-5yrs:  519 Total children seen 0-5yrs: 208 % of children malnourished in Jan: 40% Tested for malaria:  10 (3 positive and treated) Amount of dressings done:  295 Emergencies: 31 Children admitted to outpatient RUTF (PlumpyNut) program: 8 Children graduated program:

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St Vic Comes back for a visit

St Vic was with us part of  2012 and 2013.  He received treatment for malnutrition and also had two surgeries for his knees. He was a favorite to many that visited and was a joy for our staff. Over the years we have seen his parents and siblings a few

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Some pictures for the Rescue Center

Keverly (the first RHFH teacher from 2009) has been back this month visiting and helping us in many ways here at RHFH.  We are looking forward to seeing more of her with us this year! The girls having fun during afternoon play time. Carla. Such a handful, but so cute.

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December 2017 Update

We admitted 14 new children into our inpatient care facility for treatment for severe malnutrition. They range in age from 6 months to 4 1/2 years. There were 7 children that were healed and returned home with their families. They will continue to come to the clinic each month for

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New Admits

WOODANAIKA She is 6 months old and weighs 9 pounds 9 ounces.  He mama has been sick for several months and stopped breastfeeding her when she was one month old.  They then were able to purchase infant formula for a month for her then she was only fed bananas and

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