Clinic Review – February 2015
Total patient consultations = 2504 New patients = 553 Return patients = 1951 Under 1 year old = 292 1-4 years = 360 5-14 years = 307 Malnourished <1 yrs = 105 (40%) Malnourished 1-4 yrs = 203 (56%) Total percent of under 5 yrs that are malnourished = 48%
New admits to the ICU/Rescue Center
DONLEY He is 21 months old and weighs 18 pounds (currently 16 after his edema is down). He was admitted with kwashiorkor, malaria, cough and fever. He failed the appetite test given for medika mamba and was admitted into the inpatient program. He has 1 living sibling at home. The
Pictures from the Rescue Center
These two are the best of friends 🙂 Jamesly is healing and recovering and ready to return home with is family soon. Marie Simone is doing well and gaining weight. She is a joy to have with us. Steevenson turned 1 year old and weighs 10 pounds. Nadiege is recovering
Pictures from the ICU-they all have a story-will you pray for them today?
Sammuel healed and ready to return home soon 🙂 Thank you for those that have donated for infant formula. Below is a set of twins (mama died) and another baby under a month old (mama very ill and near death) that are benefiting from the formula.New adult patient admitted last
Clinic Review – January 2015
Total patients seen = 2518 New = 622 Returns = 1896 < 1 year old = 295 1-4 years old = 368 5-14 years old = 229 Under 5 years old total = 663 Under 5 years old normal weight = 367 (55%) Under 5 years old under weight = 296