Cholera Prevention and Care in the Community

Earlier in March, we presented an opportunity to construct 6 cholera First-Aid stations through out the 4th section (comparable to a township in the states) of Cabaret, where Cazale is located. “Sant Premye Swen Kolera” (means Cholera First-Aid Station in English) You donated generously and all six stations were built

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Villager’s View

Chrismene and her husband were excited that she was pregnant for a second time.   She began following in the clinic each month.  The nurse that was seeing her asked her to get a sonogram because she saw that her stomach was getting very big.  She got a sonogram and

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New admits to the ICU/RC

ANGEL     He is 18 months old and weighs 15 pounds 8 ounces.  For the past month he has had fever and began showing signs of kwashiorkor (mild swelling in his feet) 7 days ago.  He has 2 siblings at home, a brother and a sister.  He lives in a 3

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Villager’s View

My son had 2 boys with his wife.  His wife died about 6 months ago.  He is a farmer and works from sun up to sun down.  The wife’s side of the family decided it would be best for them to keep the youngest child Tidephca with them.  We kept

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