Cholera Cases on the Rise

With the help of many organizations and individuals, we were able to open the new CTC (cholera treatment center) in March 2013.  We are deeply grateful for each of you that have supported and prayed with us through this process.  You have made it possible to give quality care in a

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Guest Blog from Paul: Improving Eye Care in Cazale

Every month, Lori has a specific teaching focus for the medical team in the clinic, a continuing education to keep knowledge and training up-to-date.  Sometimes, medically trained visitors give presentations to the clinic staff, depending on their areas of expertise.  August has been designated “Eye Month,” and I (Paul C.)

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Story #1 of the burn family-Guechenet

We wanted to begin sharing with you the stories of the burn family that so many of you have asked about.   There were six children that were burned and one adult.  One of the girls died the next day.  Currently, RHFH is caring for four of the children as

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Help needed for burn victims

Thank you for helping us meet this need.  We greatly appreciate your support.  Please continue to remember these children in your prayers. Around 1 AM  early Friday morning, there was a knock at the gate, 6 children had been burned  in a house fire.    Several adults had been walking

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The Banana Box Parade Has Begun!

   The shipping container has arrived! It’s time to unpack….that means it’s BANANA BOX TIME! Lots of medicines to unpack, too.  All hands on deck! Let’s check in with Deana to see how far we’ve made it with paying for this shipment of treasures…… We have 1,090 boxes funded!  Hooray!

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