New children admitted

EXIMENE She is 11 months old and weighs 11 pounds.  Her mother died when she was 4 months old and her papa has been trying to care for her.  She also has another sister that is older than her.  Her father is a farmer and grows beans, corn and yams. 

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You can read previous post about Serette here, here, here, and here. Serette has been a patient of RHFH since Aug of 2011.  She stayed her at RHFH with us for several month while she was recovering and continued to follow in the clinic each month for medications.  She had

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update on cholera matching funds

We are getting closer!!  Every donation is helping us reach our goal. We had  someone give $25,000.00 towards the cholera center construction and challenged our readers to give to match this donation.  It is with great joy and excitement that we are able to report that there has been $20,305

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God is so good and He is a healer.  Andremene is still alive and she is beginning to heal. We are celebrating the small victories this week of making it to the bathroom, and sitting up for several hours at a time. Psalm 147:3 3 He heals the brokenhearted And binds

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$25,000 Matching Funds Challenge!!

We are SUPER excited to announce the opportunity for a $25,000 matching funds grant for the CHOLERA TREATMENT CENTER (CTC) construction.  You can help turn $25,000 into $50,000!!  For every dollar you give, a generous donor will match that dollar – up to $25,000! This will help us continue building

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Medika mamba updates

Our medika mamba program continues to grow here at RHFH.  We currently have 38 in patient on the program and 1 out patient.  There have been 408 patients enrolled on the program since we started in 2009.   We are very happy with the product and see a great difference in

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