New admitted to the Rescue Center

GILIANE  Giliane has been with us on and off over the years several time.  She is currently 7 1/2 years old and weighted 41 pounds when she was admitted.  In a weeks time after being on the F-75 therapeutic milk and medika mamba she has lost 13 pounds of her

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Moving Day!

The time finally came for us to move from the 3 bedroom home that has housed over 6800 patients since Nov 2010 into the NEW CHOLERA TREATMENT CENTER (CTC).  It was a big day for all of us, but it was especially important and memorable for me.  Dealing with the

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Help us buy a microhematocrit centrifuge!

**THANK YOU!!  This need has been met.** A micro…..what??  You might be wondering what in the world this might be.  Well, I’ll explain.  It is a small, portable machine that can quickly and easily measure the level of a person’s blood to see if they are anemic. Currently, we have

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CTC Dedication

We recently dedicated the new CTC!  We were so excited to share the facility with staff, friends, and leaders in the community.  We had a special service to pray, thank God, and celebrate. Brennon and Allison did lots of prep, baking, and set-up.  There were a few big loads like

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New admits in the RC

 NADIA She is 3 years old and weighs 17 pounds.  She stayed with us for about 3 weeks and gained 2 pounds.  Her mama came back to visit and decided that she wanted to take her back home.  She was not ready to go but we must respect the wishes

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We wanted to thank all of you that donated towards the need for medications for the children in the RC last month. Each month we have an average of 80 – 90 children that received medication every single day. Some of these medications have to be hand carriedor shipped  in

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