Protected: News pics of Claudette’s burn-password clinic
Accountability Report on Funds Designated for Earthquake Relief
Last month marked the one year anniversary of the earthquake that devastated so many lives here in Haiti. It has been a long and arduous year. Images linger in our minds and emotions weigh heavy on our hearts. The anniversary provided everyone with an opportunity to step back from the
A tidbit of clinic this week
by:Licia This little baby came in this week. She was/is very ill. She is having problems breathing, high fevers and other complications. But….she has been in good hands with Dr. Jen since yesterday afternoon. We are so thankful once again for her to offer her time and skills here at
Who is staying in your tent?
We have a tent in the front yard of the clinic. It is being used for intensive care patients from the RC. Currently there are 6 kids living here. There are 2 nannies that work 12 hour shifts caring for these kids. It makes it closer for those midnight, 2am