Update from the Cholera Crib

by: Lori The cholera house numbers have been decreasing for the last few days.  We are thankful, but cautious.  We had this situation in early December too and things didn’t go as hoped.  Our staff of 22 is doing a fabulous job and I am so proud of the care

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Clinic, Clinic, Clinic

Over 500 people passed though our clinic doors yesterday, and it is busy as could be again today. We are grateful to have an awesome staff, awesome supporters, and and awesome God that makes what the clinic does possible. Here are some photos of the clinic in action… [album: http://www.realhopeforhaiti.org/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/Clinic/]

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cholera stats graph

by: Lori We would like to thank HaitiServe, North Christian Church, and all of the many wonderful donors that have made it possible for us to treat 659 people so far with cholera.  Thank you to the organizations and individuals who have donated tens of thousands of dollars worth of

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Cholera Update

By:Licia We wanted to let you know that the matching grant of $2500 was met!  We are so excited about this and the funds that will be used to help save as many lives as we can from cholera. This cooler is filled up several times a day with homemade

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