Smiles from the ICU & RC

Use your smile to change the world. Don’t let the world change your smile. There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all. Smile and remember at the end of the day, your blessings outweigh your problems. Be the reason someone smiled today. You’re never

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Double your gift for diapers and wipes for the ICU children

Double the Diapers and wipes! Are you looking for a unique gift for your mom this Mother’s Day?  We are excited to provide you with a meaningful way to honor your mother this Sunday: Diapers and wipes! We are always in need of diapers, and through our strong partnership with Jake’s Diapers,

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New Admits

Erveline  Erveline is going to turn 4 years old in April, and weighed 9.5kg (20.9 lb) when she came in to Real Hope with her dad. She had swelling in her legs, and had been having diarrhea for about a month. She had lost her appetite before the diarrhea started,

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Schnaika She is 6 months old and weighed 9 pounds when admitted. She came in with slight edema, was very small from her malnutrition, had a 101 temperature and was quite dehydrated. She has 1 sister, 1 brother and 1 sibling who has passed away. Her mom and dad both

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New Admits

  Jn Renold He is 4 years old and weighed 24.5 pounds when admitted. He was admitted with severe malnutrition and edema. He was enrolled in our outpatient mamba program starting in May 2015 but then abandoned the program in November 2015. He came back to clinic in October of

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New Admits

Guivens He is 5 years old and weighed 24 pounds when admitted. He came in severely malnourished and had a vitamin A deficiency leaving him blind in one eye. His mom did not have enough money to feed him so was just waiting for him to die. A kind neighbor

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