kids in the ICU :)

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.~Mother Teresa Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.~Mother Teresa Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.~Mother Teresa If our

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Update on Infant formula grant

We have a wonderful organization called Formula One Life that has been helping many children, not just here in Haiti, but all over the world.  They have been faithful year after year to help meet a portion of our need for infant formula for the babies in the ICU and Rescue Center.

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Villager’s View

My son had 2 boys with his wife.  His wife died about 6 months ago.  He is a farmer and works from sun up to sun down.  The wife’s side of the family decided it would be best for them to keep the youngest child Tidephca with them.  We kept

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New admits to the ICU/RC

BEATRICE She is 8 months old and weighs 7 pounds.  She was admitted with a 105 temp, diarrhea, vomiting  and was in distress.  She was referred to us from Children’s Health Ministries.  She has 1 living sister at home.  Her mama and papa both buy items in bulk and resells

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Thank you Eaton Elementary in Nova Scotia

Miss Carolyn Elliott’s grade 5/6 class at Cyrus Eaton Elementary School, Pugwash, Nova Scotia, Canada took on the project of fundraising for medika mamba. One of the Healthy Living learning targets in Nova Scotia’s Public School curriculum is to take age appropriate action to affect global change. In January Johanne

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