Pictures from the ICU today :)
Jessica!! St Vic and Pierre Louis visiting for a few weeks on summer vacation
Jessica!! St Vic and Pierre Louis visiting for a few weeks on summer vacation
BEATRICE She is 8 months old and weighs 7 pounds. She was admitted with a 105 temp, diarrhea, vomiting and was in distress. She was referred to us from Children’s Health Ministries. She has 1 living sister at home. Her mama and papa both buy items in bulk and resells
Miss Carolyn Elliott’s grade 5/6 class at Cyrus Eaton Elementary School, Pugwash, Nova Scotia, Canada took on the project of fundraising for medika mamba. One of the Healthy Living learning targets in Nova Scotia’s Public School curriculum is to take age appropriate action to affect global change. In January Johanne
What work do you do at RHFH and where do you work? I work with the children in the ICU. I give medications, change diapers, feed the kids and take care of the sickest children. How old are you? 39
JOSUE He is 10 months old and weighs 12 pounds. He was referred to us by Children’s Health Ministries. He was admitted with a 103.7 temp, diarrhea and a cold/cough. His papa is a carpenter and his mama buys items in bulk and resells them at a price to