New kids admitted

BRINELSON He arrived at clinic early Tuesday morning.  He was in a coma and not well at all.  His mom had walked for 8 hours during the night carrying him from a village very far away.  He got worse throughout the night.  His glucose levels were very low and he

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Before and After pics from years past

celebrating life “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”  ― Mother Teresa “I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”  ― Mother Teresa “I am not sure exactly what

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God is so good and He is a healer.  Andremene is still alive and she is beginning to heal. We are celebrating the small victories this week of making it to the bathroom, and sitting up for several hours at a time. Psalm 147:3 3 He heals the brokenhearted And binds

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Andremene and update on the matching funds

You can read the post about Tifamne and her mama (Andremene) here.  I was very torn the day that I admitted her daughter, Tifanme.  I wanted to help Andremene as she was very sick and malnourished herself.  We gave her money to help purchase food for her and her family.  We

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New admits

 JN JUDE He is just under 3 years old and weighs 22 pounds.  His mother is an albino that follows regularly in the clinic and is on the food box program.  She was raped by a man in the village that everyone knows.  She does not feel like her voice would be

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