New admits to the Rescue Center

Much love and thanks to Lori and Charlie and the staff for doing such a great job while I took some time off in the states.  It has been awhile since I have had the time to post new children admitted to the RC.  I am going to restart and

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Wilson came in yesterday and was near death.  Road blocks and unwilling family members made the possibility of getting him into a hospital a “no go”.  The family lost hope and believe that he is going to die anyway.  We believe in a miracle working God.  He is still alive

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Update on Jn Edward & Rose-Marie

You can read past post about Jn Edward here, here and here .  This kid is amazing.  I love him so much!  He is doing wonderful!  He is still gaining weight and getting stronger.  To God be all the Glory!            lowest weight 37 pounds                                             current weight  47 pounds You can read

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After a long struggle to live, Miriana went to be with Jesus yesterday afternoon.  We have a deep sorrow in our hearts that this sweet, precious little girl did not make it and survive.  But we have hope knowing that one day we will see her again.  I see her

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Updates on patients

Djouly died yesterday evening.  He had been hanging on for several days.  He was in a lot of pain most of the day yesterday.  He took his evening meds and ate dinner died shortly after. Miriana is not doing well.  She wants to live so badly.  Her diar is clearing

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Fighting to live~Miriana

   Hungry for love, She looks at you. Thristy for kindness, She begs from you. Naked for loyalty, She hopes in you. Sick and imprisoned for friendship, She wants from you. Homeless for shelter in your heart, She asks of you. Will you be that one to her? Mother Teresa

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