New children in the Rescue Center

GENE Gene has  2 other siblings that have been in the RC before.  There names were Tirete and Amonise.  Their mother are father are both dead and the older sister is raising all the kids by herself.  Gene is in the beginning stages of kwashiorkor and had a high fever

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Medika Mamba updates :)

 These past few months we have been seeing lots of malnourished children.  We see two main forms of malnutrition , marasmus and kwashiorkor.  Both of these forms of malnutrition can be treated with medika mamba translated as “peanut butter medicine”.  Medika mamba is made from peanuts grown right here in Haiti.  It

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Update on Jn Edward

Read here for the first post on Jn Edward Jn Edward had a few rough days last week.  He passed lots and lots of worms.  He passed out one day.  He has been having pain in his abdomen since he first arrived and lots of swelling.  He was finally stable enough to

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New admits and prayers needed for these children

This is B.B. Moise.  He was admitted a few weeks ago.  He has been struggling this past week.  He is not wanting to eat or drink.  He is currently on an IV and has a feeding tube. Will you add him to your prayer list today. He is currently on

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My buddy Jn Edward

Jn Edward stayed with us in the RC  in 2008 for several months.  His weight when admitted was 33 pounds.  He went home 3 months later weighting 38 pounds.  Since 2008 we have not seen him at the clinic or heard from him.                                ~33 pounds~                                                                                                                                              ~38 pounds~ He

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Medika Mamba

We have had a increase in the past few weeks of kids on the medika mamba program here in Cazale.  We are going through it very quickly.  World Wide Village has an order in that should be ready the first of next week.  We are looking for anyone here in Haiti has

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