Funds for intensive care kids

by: Licia We have a tent in the front yard of the clinic. It is currently set up for our intensive care kids from the RC.  I love the tent.  I love the kids in the tent.  The RC is now located a few houses away from the clinic.  I

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“It is Jesus who heals, not I”

By: Volunteer Jess Lehman Jesus is at work. mir·a·cle – noun: 1. an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.

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1 pound 10 ounce baby

Lovely was brought in by her mother this past week.  She weighed in at 1 pound 10 ounces.  She was around 17 days old and still alive.  We called Dixie at GLA and she was admitted the next morning into their facility.  Will you pray for her?  Her mother is currently

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New kids from the past few weeks

by:Licia Auguslene 19 pounds 24 months- 1st time with kwashiorkor-currently on the medika mamba program Ginel 5 years old 24 pounds-2nd time with kwashiorkor-currently on the medika mamba program Jn Simon 12 months old 9 pounds.  His mama is very sick and malnourished and was trying to breastfeed him as well. 

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Ameyah and Madelene

by:Licia Ameyah is 6 months old today! And Madelene graduated from the medika mamba program this week. Madelene the first day here-in case you forgot what she looked like (below) Psalm 34:1-3 (The Message)  1 I bless God every chance I get; my lungs expand with his praise.  2 I live

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Matching funds for infant formaula

This was my corner of the supply room a few months back.  This is all infant formula.  We were blessed to receive many donations for several months. This is the same corner this morning.  We are very low on our milk supply. Only one trunk left. About 1/3 of the

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