Pumpkin Soup

by: Licia For those of you who gave for a special meal for Jan 1st, for the kids in the RC, they all wanted to say THANK YOU!  They had a lovely tradition meal of pumpkin soup. Anonymous  “Children are great imitators. So give them something great to imitate” Mother

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New kids this month…

By: Licia Johnley died this past weekend.  He had been fighting Meningitis, strange fevers and HIV.  He was 2 months old and 5 pounds. Benson was admitted this past week with pneumonia and was having problems breathing.  Dr. Jen treated him and he was on oxygen for several days.  He

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A Video Describing the RHFH Rescue Center

We are grateful for the many new friends that have become aware of Real Hope for Haiti in the recent months. For those who read about the Rescue Center, but do not understand its purpose, here is a video from Licia Betor, director of the RHFH Rescue Center, explaining what

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                             50 pounds                                                               67 pounds Sometime in your life, hope that you might see one starved man, the look on his face when the bread finally arrives.  Hope that you might have baked it or bought or even kneaded it yourself.  For that look on his face, for your

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Update on Madelene

by:Licia Psalm 116:3-4 3 The cords of death entangled me, the anguish of the grave came over me; I was overcome by distress and sorrow. 4 Then I called on the name of the LORD: “LORD, save me!” Psalm 141:8 8 But my eyes are fixed on you, Sovereign LORD;

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Food Box program

Our food box program is still going strong here at RHFH.  We are currently helping around 130 families in the Cazale area. We want to thank you allfor your continued support with this on going project.   Without you and your donations many of these families would not be able to recieve food

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