GIFT A GOAT to a Haitian family

Have you ever wanted to help Haitians in a sustainable way?  Have you thought that increasing food security for the poor includes increasing the available livestock in the area?  Do you think goats can be helpful to Haitian families? If you answered YES to any of these, then continue reading!

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Urgent need for Clinic patient of the month-Sondy

Sondy has been following in our clinic for a few months.  He was very sick and also showing signs of malnutrition.   The family said they had no money and borrowed money to pay for transportation to come to the clinic and asked us to admit him into our inpatient

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Funds Needed for Judner’s Surgery

The need has been met!  THANK YOU !!! In November of 2014, we told you about Judner in this post.  He was a patient in our inpatient care facility for malnutrition.  He needed to have surgery to place pins in his legs for them to straighten and help him walk better. The

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New Admits from the Rescue Center

CANES He is 4 months old and weighs 6 pounds 12 ounces. He was referred to us from Children’s Health Ministries.   He is a -4SD.  He was admitted with a glucose level of 30 and a fever of 103.  His mama buys items in bulk and resells them for

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Can you help with our September needs?

Could you be on the watch for some good deals?  Do you have some extra supplies that you would like to donate? We put together a list of our top current needs to share with you each month.  Many of you respond with wonderful and helpful supplies.  THANK YOU!! Here

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