Double Your Donation!

If you have been considering donating to RHFH, now is a great time!  A generous supporter has offered matching funds up to $1000!!  For every dollar you give, another dollar will be given to match.  We are so thankful for this opportunity and hope that you are as excited about

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Needs List for May

There will be a semi container going to Haiti this month!!  Maybe you or your church could send a few needed items…… 2015 May Needs List GENERAL Kid’s & adult toothpaste Mosquito spray Hand soap – liquid & refills Hand sanitizer & refills Plastic shower curtains and rings (not clear

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March Wish List

Like to shop for great deals?  Look over our needs list and keep an eye out for these items. Let us know if you have a few things to send and we’ll give you an address of someone coming down soon that can carry them in.  Thanks! 2015-March-Needs-List

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Patient of the Month – Jean Berly

Jean Berly has had a mass growing by his eye for a long time.  We are trying to get him help with surgery to remove the mass.  The doctor be able to remove first asked for a CT scan.  Jn Berly’s parents and the clinic split the cost to get

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Kids needing sponsors

We have four children that are currently in need of a sponsor for our foster care program. The first is Charlens.  He was abandoned in the clinic yard in June 2014.  We have made every effort we can to contact his family without success.  He is estimated to be about

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Will you commit to praying for us in 2015?

As you start off the new year, you might be trying to implement some resolutions and good habits.  We would like to ask you to consider adding something simple (but powerful) to your daily routine.  Will you pray for Haiti?  A prayer covering for the work here is critical, essential,

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