Wilenska is in need of a sponsor

Wilenka is 7 months old and weighs just 10 pounds.  Her mama was 19 years old when Wilenka was born and this was her 3rd child.  She died a few months after her birth.  Her papa said she was sick with fever for several weeks before she died.  After her

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Rescue Center Sponsorship

We are dedicating the month of June to increase Rescue Center sponsorship.    We have estimated that it cost about $125US per month for us to house and care for the children in our care.  This includes food, medical care and testing, housing, clothing, and nannies to care for them

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Planting season

The mountain sides in our area are just beginning to show signs of life.  There have been a few good rains the past few weeks.  The farmers are beginning to prepare for the upcoming rainy season.  In our area there are lots of watermelons, beans and corn that will be

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New Admits to the RC and ICU

JULIEN This is his 2nd time as an inpatient here at RHFH.  He currently is 3 1/2 years old and weighs 21 pounds.  He has a severe case of kwashiorkor.  The family of 6 lives in a 2 room home made of rocks, tin, and clay. They do not have

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Guest Post by Nancy Wagner

Who, What and Where is Real Hope? by Nancy Wagner “My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.  On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand.”   “My Hope

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