Getting Closer….But Not There Yet!

We continue to collect funds needed to pay for shipping a container filled with 1,200 boxes packed full with supplies heading to Real Hope for Haiti this month.  You can see the last update here, where we had received enough to cover the expense of shipping 600 of the boxes.

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New children admitted to the Rescue Center

ANGELITA She is 14 months old and weighs 18 pounds.   Her mama left her at her papa’s  house and they have not seen the mama in months.  Her papa is a moto driver but is unable to care for her.  He lives at home with his mama and she has been her primary

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Making Progress!

Two weeks ago we told you here about the incredible opportunity for you to be a part of getting much-needed supplies shipped from the U.S. to Real Hope for Haiti in Cazale.  The challenge was issued and goals were set. We need to raise funds to ship 1,200 boxes at

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New admitted to the Rescue Center

GILIANE  Giliane has been with us on and off over the years several time.  She is currently 7 1/2 years old and weighted 41 pounds when she was admitted.  In a weeks time after being on the F-75 therapeutic milk and medika mamba she has lost 13 pounds of her

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Sending Supplies to RHFH: Let’s Do This!

Diapers, medicine, clothing….Oh, my! It takes A LOT of supplies to keep things running here at RHFH. A mini snap shot: Tummies need formula and bottoms need diapers. Expectant moms need vitamins and sickly patients need medicine. Bleeding wounds need bandages and cholera victims need IV’s. And the list goes

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Spring Newsletter Time!

It’s newsletter time!  I am running a few days behind schedule with getting this posted, but here it is.  Just pretend for a moment that it’s still March, OK?  🙂 What you’ll find in the newsletter: Several ways that you could help RHFH are explained in the newsletter, from donating

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