New admits and some help needed

NAIKA She was referred to us from a group working in Cite Soley with Samaritan’s Purse.  She was born a preemie and was in a hospital for several months.  Her mama then become pregnant and has a 6 month old baby.  As best we can figure she is around 21

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Help us buy a microhematocrit centrifuge!

**THANK YOU!!  This need has been met.** A micro…..what??  You might be wondering what in the world this might be.  Well, I’ll explain.  It is a small, portable machine that can quickly and easily measure the level of a person’s blood to see if they are anemic. Currently, we have

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We wanted to thank all of you that donated towards the need for medications for the children in the RC last month. Each month we have an average of 80 – 90 children that received medication every single day. Some of these medications have to be hand carriedor shipped  in

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2 special needs for the kids in the Rescue Center

These two little cuties were very sick last week.  We did not know whether they would live or not. But by the grace of God they are both alive and well today.  We are so thankful that their parents trusted us enough to bring them here for extended care at RHFH. 

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You can read previous post about Serette here, here, here, and here. Serette has been a patient of RHFH since Aug of 2011.  She stayed her at RHFH with us for several month while she was recovering and continued to follow in the clinic each month for medications.  She had

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update on cholera matching funds

We are getting closer!!  Every donation is helping us reach our goal. We had  someone give $25,000.00 towards the cholera center construction and challenged our readers to give to match this donation.  It is with great joy and excitement that we are able to report that there has been $20,305

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