Andremene and update on the matching funds

You can read the post about Tifamne and her mama (Andremene) here.  I was very torn the day that I admitted her daughter, Tifanme.  I wanted to help Andremene as she was very sick and malnourished herself.  We gave her money to help purchase food for her and her family.  We

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$25,000 Matching Funds Challenge!!

We are SUPER excited to announce the opportunity for a $25,000 matching funds grant for the CHOLERA TREATMENT CENTER (CTC) construction.  You can help turn $25,000 into $50,000!!  For every dollar you give, a generous donor will match that dollar – up to $25,000! This will help us continue building

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Pumpkin Soup

Update:  The need has been met.  THANK YOU! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a favorite meal that is cooked ever Jan 1st here in Haiti.  It called soup joumou or pumpkin soup.  We will be cooking it for all the kids in the RC….they love it! We would like to be able

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New admits

 JN JUDE He is just under 3 years old and weighs 22 pounds.  His mother is an albino that follows regularly in the clinic and is on the food box program.  She was raped by a man in the village that everyone knows.  She does not feel like her voice would be

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New Admits

A mama was 9 month pregnant and lived 5 hours up in the mountains to get to the nearest paved road. When she got to the road she traveled in labor over bumpy road to get to the national hospital for births. They turned her away and told her to

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The roof is going up!

The Cholera Treatment Center (CTC) construction is progressing well.  They have the main walls completed and the plumbing is starting to go in.  This past week, the roof started going up on one of the wards and it is really starting to take shape.  We are so excited to see

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