New admits this past week

NOELCA She is 3 years old and weighs 23 pounds.  She has abcess in her rectum and has kwashiorkor.  She had a rough weekend with lots of pain and drainage but is finally feeling better today.  Noelca has one living sister.  She is currently on the medika mamba program. JOHN

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School Sponsorship

 THANK YOU we have sponsors for both of these kids! Here are two more children that need sponsors for this school year. DARLISSA Darlissa her mom and little brother were found living out by the river shortly after the earthquake.  They had lost their home and the mother was very

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New admits to the Rescue Center

CHANTELE She was admitted with a 103.8 fever. diar, and kwashiorkor.   She is a little over 2 years old and weighs 18 pounds.  She was referred to us from a Pastor friend from the village of Orange (a 5 hour walk and taxi ride).   Chantel has 2 living sisters and

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Special need for 2 TB patients

UPDATE:  So far there has been $796.25 donated.  We only need $247.50 to have this need met! The community of Cazale has donated yet another house for our use at this time.  We were in need of a place to put two ladies we have that are TB positive.  They

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New children admitted

 NAGELANDE This is Nagelande in Oct 2011.  She was admitted into our care when she was only 11 pounds. She stayed with us for 9 months of treatment.  She struggled through many sicknesses and had to be on IV fluids several times.  But she returned home with her family weighing

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We are gathering our supplies together for this upcoming school year.  We have a need for backpacks or book bags for the children.  We are able to find bags here in Haiti at a low price and are able to help local merchants in our area. We are in need of

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