Catching up…

Charlie is scheduled to have surgery tomorrow to have a rod inserted into his leg.  Lori came back to Cazale for one night to get some good sleep and  to regroup.  Sleeping on a piece of cardboard under a bed is not easy.  Lori left this afternoon with a very

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I will try to get everyone updated on Charlie and others RHFH  activities sometime soon.  There is just a lot going now and with Lori being gone the pressure is a lot more for me.  I have a specific need today for one of our long time patients at the

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Please pray for Charlie…

Today was another tough day here in Haiti. Lori’s husband Charlie was in an accident in the nearby town of Cabaret. He was riding a motorcycle when a car without light slammed on their brakes and hit them. The motorcycle driver broke his foot. Zach, Enoch and Lori all went

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Rain, Rain, GO AWAY!!

THANK YOU Christian Aid Ministries (CAM)!!  Since the beginning of the cholera epidemic, they have provided so many supplies.  Starting early Thursday morning, dad started hauling items in.  Three large loads of IV fluids, buckets, bleach, soap, ORS, hand sanitizer, and more. We all 3 squeezed in the front seat and

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Wow! To God be all the Glory!

We want to thank the 47 people,one organization and one church that donated $15,370 for the cholera need.   We are so thankful to everyone that is praying, giving and caring.  We love you all so much.  It is a joy to share with our staff  how there are so many that care

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Needs for Cholera house

There are 49 patients in the Cholera house tonight-we have 25 beds. This is the most patients we have ever had in one day. I am not using names today.  I am going to tell you some real life stories from the cholera house in just one day.  Just today,

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