Hope Family Spotlight~Marie Ange

We have known Marie Ange for many years. She has been in the Rescue Center several times over the last 9 years. Each time her recovery has been more and more difficult for her. In 2019 she was very near death after another time of malnutrition. After this she was

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Words from Gretchen~Oct 1996

Praise God! Hallelujah! Our God is an awesome God. He is a mighty God full of power and mercy and without HIm we can do nothing. We have been receiving more revelation of this everyday. He is our all in all. In Him we live and move and have our

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Thank You! from nurse Magdala

My brothers and sisters, I greet you in the name of Jesus.  My name is Magdala Joseph.  I’m choosing this occasion to first tell God thank you and next to say thank you to all the people who are always ready to invest and contribute to the advancement of the

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Hope Family Spotlight~Paul

Paul has been with us since 2012. He came to the clinic with his grandpa. Both of his parents died when he was young. He was malnourished and was put on the outpatient mamba program. The grandpa was very old and his only family member who was still in the

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