Haiti Happenings
The April newsletter is hot off the presses. If you didn’t get one in the mail, no worries. You can read it here: Newsletter 2014 – April. If you would like to get our next newsletter, please send your name and address to info (at) realhopeforhaiti <dot> org. Thanks for
Guest Post by Nancy Wagner
Who, What and Where is Real Hope? by Nancy Wagner “My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus’ name. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand.” “My Hope
Pictures from the Rescue Center
After the kids stay in the ICU and get past the critical stage in their healing they graduated to the Rescue Center. This is located at a different location than the ICU. The Rescue Center cares for non complicated cases of malnutrition and those that are well into the healing
PICS from the ICU area
Chrismene has finally decided that she wants to eat. It has been an uphill battle for several months. We are excited for her!!
Medika Mamba grads!!
Here are a few of the grads from the medika mamba program from this past month. Since 2009 there have been 750 patients that have been treated with medika mamba (for severe malnutrition) through our inpatient and outpatient program.