Medika Mamba grads!!

Here are a few of the grads from the medika mamba program from this past month.  Since 2009 there have been 750 patients that have been treated with medika mamba (for severe malnutrition) through our inpatient and outpatient program.

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The Rescue Center

When the children are admitted for in-patient care they normally first go to the ICU ward.  Once we know they are going to live and begin improving they graduate to the “Rescue Center”.  These children are past the critical stage in their healing process but are still in need of inpatient

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Pictures from the ICU :)

Leonardo is still with us.  Fighting to live.  But hanging on.  He ate 2 spoonfuls of soup by mouth today.  That is the first thing we have been able to get him to eat.  It is a start and we will take it 🙂

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