Cholera Cases on the Rise

With the help of many organizations and individuals, we were able to open the new CTC (cholera treatment center) in March 2013.  We are deeply grateful for each of you that have supported and prayed with us through this process.  You have made it possible to give quality care in a

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July teams and volunteers

Mike H. and his family and a friend joined us one Saturday to teach the ladies in our community a self defense class.  We had three groups of ladies come in throughout the day for the teaching.  Everyone enjoyed it and asked lots of questions.  It was a good day.

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Programs update~Food Box program

We wanted to share some pictures with you that were taken by Wayne E. Chinnock Photography a few months ago at RHFH.  Wayne was visiting several different ministries while here in Haiti and we were blessed to have him here with us for a short time to be able to capture a

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You Did It! Hooray!

All of us here at Real Hope for Haiti are very happy to announce that the goal has been met to cover the expense of the Spring shipping container! Thank you so much for all your contributions that allowed us to receive so many important supplies. The smiling faces of

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The Banana Box Parade Has Begun!

   The shipping container has arrived! It’s time to unpack….that means it’s BANANA BOX TIME! Lots of medicines to unpack, too.  All hands on deck! Let’s check in with Deana to see how far we’ve made it with paying for this shipment of treasures…… We have 1,090 boxes funded!  Hooray!

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  1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 4: 8-10 Love each other deeply, because love will cause many sins to be forgiven,  Open your homes to each other, without complaining.  Each of you has received a gift to use to

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