We wanted to thank all of you that donated towards the need for medications for the children in the RC last month. Each month we have an average of 80 – 90 children that received medication every single day. Some of these medications have to be hand carriedor shipped  in

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Twins back for a visit

You can read the post here about the story of these twins and how they were born on differnt days in different villages 🙂  They are doing great and the parents are doing a wonderful job caring for them.  We are so thankful that they are growing and doing well.

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RHFH staff employee # 11

In 2008 we had a flood here in Cazale.  It was a bad flood and caused a lot of damage.  The road was washed out in two places and the water system was destroyed. We went for 6 or 7 months without running water.  The only solution at the time

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Medika Mamba updates

We are once again are excited to share some of the recent grads from the medika mamba program here in Cazale.  We usually just have before and after pictures of the children.  This time we wanted to give you two examples of children with severe kwashiorkor and how their bodies change during

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Miracles of Healing

In the past couple of months, several of the children at the Rescue Center have recovered and been able to return home to their families.  Admittedly, it is a bit sad for us to say goodbye to these little friends, but our hearts swell with joy knowing that their bodies

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