Surgery team update

We told you about a surgery team from the LEAP Foundation that came to operate in Port Nov 1-4 and wanted to give you an update.  There were seven patients that went and had consultations done by the surgeons.  There were three that actually got surgery. Anack was the most

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On Thanksgiving day in 2011 this little boy was found in front of our gate.  We contact local officials and the child was placed in the Rescue Center with the other children.  We later named him Sammuel.  From time to time we have children that are abandoned in the yard

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Thank you!

One way to prevent cholera and other diseases is to promote good hygiene practices.  Many are willing, but do not have access to sanitation services.  It is common for some to have to use the gardens because they don’t have a latrine or outhouse.  The community group, GVADK, has built

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children’s smiles light up the world

“A person’s a person, no matter how small.” -Dr Seuss “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” -Frederick Douglas “Stay a child while you can be a child.” -Stephen Sondheim  

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New admits this past week

NOELCA She is 3 years old and weighs 23 pounds.  She has abcess in her rectum and has kwashiorkor.  She had a rough weekend with lots of pain and drainage but is finally feeling better today.  Noelca has one living sister.  She is currently on the medika mamba program. JOHN

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Merci for Meds!

With your donations (that we asked for here), RHFH was able to purchase medications that will last us for months and months to come.  The value of the medications is $464,835.75 and we were able to purchase them for only $11,169.00!  There were 38 pallets of medications and it weighed 29,500 pounds.  This was

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