Real Hope for Haiti is a faith based organization that is staffed by individuals who have been transformed by the liberating Gospel of Jesus Christ. God has shed His love abroad in our hearts in such a way that it compels us to share the joy that is in us. One of RHFH’s distinguishing characteristics is found in it’s motto: Sharing hope for this life and the life to come.
RHFH spends significant time and energy in meeting the physical needs of those who pass through our gates. We make every effort to address and meet the spiritual needs of those we serve as well. We have full time staff members devoted to prayer, encouragement, and devotional teaching though our outpatient clinic as well as our inpatient malnutrition center. We also see value in investing in the local churches and seek to equip leaders in the future. Because many here are unable to read, it makes how church leaders handle the Word of God increasingly important. We are working towards providing theological and Biblical training that is not otherwise available. We would be grateful for your prayers as we develop this network of indigenous leaders.

These activities further RHFH’s purpose by making disciples and helping people towards spiritual maturity. RHFH believes that Christ offers great hope to the people of Cazale. In Haitian culture, churches remain the educational and social centers of the communities in Haiti. Please pray that God continues to open doors and establish relationships that allow us to strengthen these institutions, that they might continue to bear fruit that remains for the Lord.