Here are some products we use to treat Malnutrition
The Medika Mamba program continues to grow and save lives here in Cazale. Thousands of children have recovered from malnutrition just by simply eating this great product. We want to thank Meds and Food For Kids for making this product available to us here in Haiti.
Some quick facts about Medika Mamba
What’s in Medika Mamba?
Medika Mamba is an RUTF made of ground roasted peanuts, powdered milk, cooking oil, sugar, vitamins and minerals.
How long does treatment take?
A typical treatment program for one child lasts 6-8 weeks and takes 25 pounds of Medika Mamba.
How effective is Medika Mamba?
Within six weeks of starting treatment, 90% of children on Medika Mamba recover, far better than the 25% survival rate with older, milk-based treatments.
How much does treatment cost?
$69 covers the cost of a full Medika Mamba treatment, saving the life of one child.

F-75 Therapeutic Milk
What is F-75 Therapeutic milk used for?
F-75 therapeutic milk (75 Kcal/100ml Formula) is designed for the stabilization of hospitalized patients during the first phase of the treatment of severe acute malnutrition, it is suitable for children 6 months old and up.
Additional info on the product
When a child suffering from severe acute malnutrition arrives at the hospital, he/she often shows medical complications (infections, hepatic insufficiency, etc.). A child with such complications is unable to tolerate usual levels of proteins, fats and sodium. Therefore, it is important to begin nutritional treatment by giving foods with low levels of proteins, fats and sodium, but rich in carbohydrates (F-75 therapeutic milk).
Caring for children that are severely malnourished is not an easy thing to do. Many times you think they just need food to eat. But it is a lot more complicated than that. I have three book that I recommend to anyone that is caring for severely sick and malnourished children.
ReSoMal (REhydration SOlution for MALnutrition)
Treatment of dehydration, exclusively in people suffering from Severe Acute Malnutrition
From 6 months of age
5 to 15 ml / kg / hour / person
→ The produit must be used within a Therapeutic Nutritional Centre
✓ Treatment of Severe Acute Diarrhea
✓ Decreases the gravity and the duration of the diarrhea incident, regenerates the zinc reserve in the organism and avoids new incidents of diarrhea in the coming 3 months