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Opportunity to serve at Real Hope for Haiti-office intern

The RHFH team in Cazale is excited to announce that we are looking for one or two individuals to come and serve with us, starting in Dec/Jan 2017! They could be an individual, two complete strangers, two friends, or a married couple. There is just one job description posted below. Ideally, the tasks would be equally divided between two individuals, based on their strengths. A copy of the application is provided below, along with a reference letter template. We ask all applicants to email a signed copy of their application to us at We ask that all applicants also provide three blind character references. We prefer one be a pastoral reference. Please have all completed reference letters sent to us directly (the applicant should not see the completed reference letter). Also below is a volunteer packet. APPLICANTS DON’T NEED TO FILL OUT THE VOLUNTEER PACKET. It does have some very valuable information in it, however, that applicants may find helpful.

Applications will be received through Nov 30 2017.

Ideally, the new intern(s) would arrive in Haiti the beginning of Jan 2018. This is the preference to facilitate a smoother training and transition, however, other considerations can be made.

The term of the internship can range from 6 months to 1 year, based upon the applicants preference.

RHFH Job Description – Office Intern

Office Intern Application

Reference Letter

RHFH-Volunteer Pack

Feel free to share this opportunity with anyone you think might be a good fit for the position(s). All questions and concerns can be directed to us at We humbly ask for your prayers also as we confidently seek the Lord’s faithful provision for our needs.

Real Hope for Haiti Team, Cazale

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