The Zachary boys


Did you know that both of my dad’s brothers are here with three of our cousins?  What a fun time we are all having!  Melvin helped the ladies wash clothes and diapers this morning.

They bagged 130 bags of macaroni and spaghetti for our food box program.

Then they put handles on over 400 of these bricks that hold water.

Then they filled them 1/2 full with rice for food box day tomorrow.  That was 30 sacks of rice!

Papa Zach kept them company and cleaned up afterwards

Cladette sang for dad today before her burn dressing changes.

That took most of the morning.  In the afternoon they stuffed hundreds of pillows with stuffing

Both teams worked together to get this job done.

We will we working this week to finish up this project by sewing all the pillows shut.  These will be given to clinic patients and others in the village.  The pillow stuffing and cases were donated by Christian Aid Ministries.


  1. Carol Harwood says

    Many hands make light work……that always holds true. But it looks like so much fun. I wish I could just keep coming back like every other month!

  2. kristen says

    Yay! Did you get the oximeters? I am happy to see Claudette singing… I have been praying especially hard for her and for Marlene and those who have gone home. I was wondering how fidilene is? praying for her too.

  3. Lisa Zachary says

    Thanks for posting these pictures of the guys!

  4. April Dehority-Zachary says

    oh it was sooo great to see all the guys sweating their butts of Thanks it really made my day u guys are do awesome work

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