The kids…

Aren’t these the cutest kids that you have ever seen?


  1. Jess says

    LICIA!!! This post made my weekend!!!!

    OH MY GOSH! Ameyah is SO BIG and the cutest thing I have EVER seen in my entire life!

    I miss you guys so much I think I just might cry.

    Love you all so so much! See you soon 🙂

  2. Debbie Woodward says

    They are the cutest. And if more people knew your children, they would know how REALLY cute they are.

    Say hi to the boys — I LOVE your boys.

  3. dawn says

    Adorable!!!! 🙂

  4. Keverly says

    Big Huge YES!

  5. sharon says

    I’m a friend of Jeremy & Tonya Harris . I have meet Zach when he was at Praise Chapel speaking. I want some day to meet you and your children and to travel to cazale to help in any way.

  6. Melissa says

    I love the pigtails! My 20 month old does not have that much hair!

    Adorable, all of them.

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