More fun pictures

Driving range

reading, reading, reading

Dinner with some of the best gals around, Jess, Mary and Caroline.  Notice I was not sitting by Henley and his hair.  That was Casey Ray that did that. 🙂

Caroline (RHFH disaster relief gal)  She has helped us out so much with earthquake and Cholera.  U Rock!

We visited with some of our family over the weekend.  So good to see them.  Their neighbors and good friends came over to visit with us as well.  We had such a good time of talking and laughing and fellowshipping together.  We started talking about our visit to the zoo and how Enoch did not like snakes.  They mentioned that they had a snake at their house!  They went over and got it so we could freak Enoch out.  As you can see in the pictures he ran away for awhile!

Carmelo and Trey were the only brave ones


  1. Jess says

    That picture of all of us eating lunch is RIDICULOUSLY FABULOUS. First off whoever took the picture had a few too many diet cokes. Second, Henley and his nose hair are just…OOC (as Mary would say). Third, Carmelo and Trey were apparently more interested in Wyclef and other varieties of rap music than they were the photo taker. Fourth, Mary was for once in her life paying attention to her phone. Fifth, I apparently was excited about the fact I was with 3 of my best friends in the whole world (no Casey, I’m not talking about you). Sixth, Licia is of course interceding in the middle of our meal on behalf of the entire country of Haiti.

    The weekend went too dang fast.

  2. Angela Pierce says

    reading???? EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! SO PROUD.

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