3 ti gason- 3 little boys

These three cuties are all with us in the RHFH tent.  All their mom’s died in child birth.  They all have father’s that want them.  RHFH provides a different choice for these three families.  Three dad’s that do not want to put their sons up for adoption, but cannot care for them while they are this young.

Their weights range from 4.4 pounds to 5.2 pounds.  Will you lift them up in prayer today.  Pray they drink their milk.  Pray they live.  Pray for their dad’s who are dealing with the loss of their wives.  Pray for weight gains.  Pray for the RHFH staff that works so hard to help so many kids.

“A wee bit of heaven drifted down from above, a handful of happiness, a heart full of love.”

Helen Steiner Rice


  1. PajamaMama says


    Our family will pray for these baby boys. So sweet and tiny. I’d love to just hold and rock.

    Many blessing for the work you are doing…


  2. Dawn Scott says

    How precious they are and what a wonderful thing that you at RHFH provide so that these Gifts of God can remain with their fathers.

  3. Emma Johnson says

    I am thankful to be able to recieve these updates and even more thankful that I can check them from my phone. Today I went to Kohls to buy a birthday present for my daughter’s friend. I usually do not go to department stores becuase I do not have extra money to spend there. Today, however, I was feeling pulled toward the clearance racks and then feeling sorry for myself for not being able to buy anything. Then, as I stood in line to make my purchase, I read about 3 orphan babies whose mothers died in childbirth and whose father’s love them but cannot provide for them. My heart broke, my eyes welled up with tears and I was immediatly convicted for my selfish thoughts only moments ago. America is not the world…the world is hurting and I am so thankful to be able to know there are people like you all out there doing God’s work everyday. I encourage every single one of you and will be in prayers and tears for the babies.

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