Jess….Jess….Jess…we need you!

by Licia:

I love this gal below.  She has been a huge source of help and encouragement to us at RHFH.  She first met papa Zach in MN while packing a semi trailer to come to Haiti.  Since then she has visited us here at RHFH several times.  Each time she has helped us in many areas-office work, RC, clinic and community development.  She is graduating soon, she wants to come to Haiti soon.  We (I) need here in Haiti now ASAP .

Jess is planning to help out with teams and learn the language for awhile. She, Lori and I are planning to come up with a long term plan for the “high risk” kids in the RC.  Kids that come and return a few months later – sick and malnourished again.  It will take a lot of time to develop this plan.  We are looking forward to starting this project.  So why am I telling you all of this?  Jess met with the RHFH board back in April.  She has set a goal each month of faithful monthly support that she needs to raise to live here.  We all have decided, along with Jess, that she needs to reach her goal before she comes.  She is going to be busy here and we all know fund raising will be easier stateside where you can see her face to face.  This is our first RHFH staff member that is coming to work along side us in Haiti.  We are all extremely excited about it.

She loves and respects the people we love here in Haiti.  We have full confidence that she will show the love of Jesus to all that she comes in contact with.  Jess was planning to come down the end of May……but she is still needing to increase her monthly support.  Would you consider helping her?  Would you pray for her?  Maybe you live in the MN area and your church is looking to support a new missionary.  Maybe you have a small group you attend, Bible study, youth kids, mothers, father group that could come together and help Jess monthly to meet her goal.  She is willing to come speak at places close to her area on behalf of RHFH.  If you would like to hear about RHFH and Jess please contact her.  If you are interested in helping her reach her goal PLEASE write Jess at jess@realhopeforhaiti.organd let her know. I promise you that she will work hard.  She will give fully of herself to reach as many as she can for Jesus.  She will love on so many kids, she will help many to live, and will comfort those that are dying. She will take a huge load of of Lori and I.  Maybe we can even think about going home before 9pm.  WOW!  I have not donw that in a long time 🙂

Read Jess’ post here

RHFH post about Jess

Here is one on my favorite pictures.  Lori and Jess planting with the community group.  You have no idea what this small gesture of working with the community does for Cazale. They love it when the blancs actually work with them.

If you have any questions about Jess and her upcoming move to Cazale.  Write us at info@realhopeforhaiti.org.  I am looking forward to getting a email from Jess saying “Lic, the goal has been met, I am on my way!”  Let’s make it happen!

To donate you can use the paypal button in the upper right hand corner.  Add in the memo “Jess”

or send it to our home office:

Real Hope for Haiti
P.O. Box 23
Elwood, IN 46036
again add a memo or note that says “Jess”


  1. Susan Baker says

    Join me in supporting Jess and in doing so all of the ministries of Real Hope for Haiti. I have committed $25 per month to support of Jess. If just 31 people would match this, she would have the $800/month she needs. Jess has a gift to offer. Let’s help her set it free and see what miracles take place!

    “Every human being has a gift, yet often unknown, a gift to care, to be compassionate, to be present to the other, to listen, to hear, and to receive. If that gift would be set free and made available, miracles could take place.” Henri Nouwen

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